“Ist das Kunst oder kann das weg?”

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Dear VW-friends,   please excuse the German headline, but it is a German phrase that would sound weird if I try to translate it. This phrase (mostly narrow minded) Germans use when looking at a piece of art or something that somebody calls “art” or something that some (stupid) people might call “art”, but in […]


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  Dear VW friends,     in the last weeks I did not share with you the real progress we made, because we wanted to bring a real huge surprise to the big Barndoor Gathering in Amersfoort this weekend and I didn´t want to spoil the surprise. When Mark delivered the chassis and the dashboard […]

“No, I am not going to paint it”


Dear VW-friends,   today there will be just a very little update, because we are very busy to get the Samba´s chassis ready for Amersfoort. We really want to show it there on its wheels and as you can imagine this is not an easy job….. It´s now exactly a year ago since the Samba […]